Monday, April 16, 2012

March 17-23

Day 258
March 23, 2012

Tie-dye cookies and frosting. Yummy yum!

Day 257
March 22, 2012

This made my day/week. Love her. 

Day 256
March 21, 2012

Sunset + Barn = Love

Day 255
March 20, 2012

My Birthday/Hair donation day. LOVE my new cut. Now, if only I can get mine to look like this all the time!

Day 254
March 19, 2012

Hello Mr. Cutie Rio! Here he was only a few days old!

Day 253
March 18, 2012

Call me crazy, but I am so excited to get a Whole Foods. On our way out of Chicago we stopped there for a bite to eat! If we get desserts like these my waist line will be in trouble!

Day 252
March 17, 2012
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

March 9-16

Day 251
March 16, 2012
Picture from the past
Ft. Worth TEXAS

When I was down at the world show I snapped this. This statue was on the main drag. Love and Miss showing down there!

Day 250
March 15, 2012

Slutty Brownies. Theses were ridiculous, even a bit rich for me.

Day 249
March 14, 2012
With temperatures in the 70's in March I was able to ride outside many nights!!

Day 248
March 13, 2012
Notre Dame

Love how gorgeous my walks are at Notre Dame.

Day 247
March 12, 2012

Perfect meal when you aren't feeling so well!

Day 246
March 11, 2012

Simey loves him some carrots!

Day 245
March 10, 2012
Flashback photo

Happy Second Birthday Miss Zoey Z. We wish you were still that small!

Day 244
March 9, 2012
Morris Center

Took the little girl to see the Princess Show! Loved my one-on-one time with her!

After we darted to South Bend Chocolate Factory for a little something sweet!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

March 1-8

Day 243
March 8, 2012

This makes me happy each and every day!

Day 242
March 7, 2012

Nothing like a new, fresh box of crayons!

Day 241
March 6, 2012

Five o'clock jog with my dog. 

Day 240
March 5, 2012

Zoey smiling at me when I walk in the door.

Day 239
March 4, 2012

Love the view at night!

Day 238
March 3, 2012

Love going to Chicago!

Day 237
March 2, 2012

Dr. Seuss day at Walt Disney. Friday art is the best!!

Day 236
March 1, 2012
So the March photo of the day was UP. I love looking up when I walk my sweet doggy.