Monday, April 16, 2012

March 17-23

Day 258
March 23, 2012

Tie-dye cookies and frosting. Yummy yum!

Day 257
March 22, 2012

This made my day/week. Love her. 

Day 256
March 21, 2012

Sunset + Barn = Love

Day 255
March 20, 2012

My Birthday/Hair donation day. LOVE my new cut. Now, if only I can get mine to look like this all the time!

Day 254
March 19, 2012

Hello Mr. Cutie Rio! Here he was only a few days old!

Day 253
March 18, 2012

Call me crazy, but I am so excited to get a Whole Foods. On our way out of Chicago we stopped there for a bite to eat! If we get desserts like these my waist line will be in trouble!

Day 252
March 17, 2012
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

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