Monday, April 16, 2012

March 9-16

Day 251
March 16, 2012
Picture from the past
Ft. Worth TEXAS

When I was down at the world show I snapped this. This statue was on the main drag. Love and Miss showing down there!

Day 250
March 15, 2012

Slutty Brownies. Theses were ridiculous, even a bit rich for me.

Day 249
March 14, 2012
With temperatures in the 70's in March I was able to ride outside many nights!!

Day 248
March 13, 2012
Notre Dame

Love how gorgeous my walks are at Notre Dame.

Day 247
March 12, 2012

Perfect meal when you aren't feeling so well!

Day 246
March 11, 2012

Simey loves him some carrots!

Day 245
March 10, 2012
Flashback photo

Happy Second Birthday Miss Zoey Z. We wish you were still that small!

Day 244
March 9, 2012
Morris Center

Took the little girl to see the Princess Show! Loved my one-on-one time with her!

After we darted to South Bend Chocolate Factory for a little something sweet!

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